Tobi and Fabian

Five Rewards of Rising with a Challenge

Five Rewards of Rising with a Challenge

Tobi and Fabian
"We choose to go... not because [it is] easy, but because [it is] hard, because that goal provides to measure and organize good our energies and skills, because that challenge is a that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, the other which we want to win."
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy on sending a person to the moon
THERE IS NO purer form of success, forget about exact and demanding test of the items you are capable of, rather than face a challenge and find joy in the capacity to meet it.
While we all have different goals and aspirations, of course you like and benefit from a challenge-something that inspires us to succeed in the peak of our potential, jailbreaks us from my comfort zone, and transforms us into a better, far more capable form of ourselves.
The ultimate cause of setting challenging goals is always to entice you to become the person it takes to realize them. As you are going to find out, who you become, and also the traits and skill sets you develop in rising to meet a challenge, are much more important than the nature of the challenge itself.
The Five Rewards for Rising with a Challenge
A Challenge Develops Strength of mind
It's actually pretty simple. Either rise to meet the mental demands and physical rigors of the challenge, or you succumb to them. And because victory begins inside the mind, all challenges are initially won some loot between your ears.


Abdominal muscles nature of a challenge sets an appropriate stage for practicing mental toughness, which by definition means a mental edge that enables one to remain focused and warranted during high-pressure situations to execute at one's full potential.
Strength of mind means bending the body's software to control its hardware. It truely does work if you're standing on the putt on the 18th green. It truely does work if you're presenting to a roomful of people. It works if you're serving for game, set, and match.
A Challenge Stands Down Fear
Challenging is unique in that it immediately engages the fight-or-flight mechanism, and you never know how you are going to react until you are presented with it.
Fear isn't a reason for quitting. It is just an excuse for those unwilling to face their doubts, insecurities, and mental boogie man. Therefore, a duty in rising to satisfy a challenge is to conquer fear as well as the mental resistance it brings in addition to it.
If you're ever likely to find your greatness, you must decide that what you want is greater and more important compared to the fear which prevents you against achieving it. You should choose to put fear behind you-to stare it from the eye, walk straight through it and advance toward the goal with confidence, conviction, and certainty.
A Challenge Inspires Courageous Acts
Courage is the best resource you have in rising to fulfill a challenge. What good is really a challenge or a big, ambitious goal if you find no willingness to conquer fear, mental and physical resistance, adversity, or self-doubt?
The conceptual the complete opposite of courage is cowardice. We are therefore confronted with the matter that we either habitually practice courage, or we habitually practice cowardice.
Courage is remarkable in that it takes on the type of every virtue with the testing point. When courage is tested, it manifests itself as character, initiative, self-control, and responsible behavior. When cowardice is tested, it comes up in opposite forms to include bad character, procrastination, excuses, and blame.
A Challenge Tests Your Limits
It is imperative that you accept this reality: whenever you rise to meet difficult, you will never be the same again. You can cope or crumble. You then become better or bitter. You emerge stronger or weaker.
It should be this way, as a challenge exists to tests your limits, to push you after dark breaking point, and separate you from the herd.
You might never know the full way of your potential unless you are tested. You may never be sure whether you'll boost or falter in almost any given situation. Passing the tests presented by way of a challenging goal proves that you are tougher, more resilient, and a lot more capable than you imagined.
A Challenge Focuses Attention
A fantastic challenge is like a great romance. It requires your passion and your devotion, and it demands to be the center of your attention. Rising in order to meet a challenge is a type of seduction. It means concentrating your time and resources on what's most important: keeping the fire burning!
You do that by making everything count. All you think, say, and do have to be focused on goal acquisition and also on leveraging all available resources.
Focus is better seen as a preemptive strike against mediocrity. The second you focus on a challenging goal, your ultimate goal becomes a magnet that pulls you and your resources toward it. Greater focused your energies, the harder power you generate, along with the sooner you will live happily ever after.
To relish these freedoms mandates that you rise to the challenges life presents and give the required price in full, in advance, and without complaint.

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